Monday, February 1, 2010

berry crumble

Tomorrow is my aunt's birthday. As per my 2010 custom, I baked her a little something called berry crumble. It was a simple recipe that I'm concerned may go down in February history as simply too plain. We'll see. All it called for was layering frozen berries in an oven-proof pan and covering them with an oatmeal-sugar-butter-vanilla concoction before baking for 30 odd minutes. I pulled it out of the oven and sat at the counter nibbling oatmeal crumbles off the top in an effort to inconspicuously sample it. (I'm afraid it might taste too much like cooked fruit with vanilla oatmeal on top, which sounds good and probably looks better, but will ultimately lead to disappointment.) If it is a failure, I might have to bake her a belated gift, but perhaps a small scoop of vanilla ice cream will spice it up. At the least, it will sound like a menu item that would certainly tempt me: Berry Crumble a la mode. Waiter...I'll take one of those!

1 comment:

  1. Um, berry crumble with ice cream sounds fantastic. You're making me so hungry. And now I'm in the mood to bake.
