Monday, January 11, 2010

stuck on degrees | part deux

I was tempted to simply toss my 1998 diploma collection in the trash, but the boyfriend suggested taking them to the library; maybe they could help. I conceded to his rescue operation so I went by this afternoon. The lady said she'd see what she could do to get them back in proper hands.

I almost literally brushed my hands as I exited, happy to be rid of them. But now I'm starting to wonder if I'll miss catching glimpses of them lying lonely and out of place in the random parts of my house into which I shuffled them, not knowing quite where they fit in. Sentimentalism aside, I got enough out of them--a curious story and a blog entry--so I'm glad to have them off my hands. My house looks less cluttered now, too.


  1. Don't give in to that sentimentalism, or else you'll be like me. I keep everything and just stuff it away somewhere until I move. And then I find it and think "Why did I keep this again?"

    Or sometimes I think "Oh yeah! I remember that! Cool!" Those are the things I continue to keep and stuff somewhere and pull out again later. lol. It's a bad cycle.

  2. lol. I sympathize with you. I'm a unique species of packrat, myself. But in the process of trying to fit comfortably (and cleanly) in my new home, I've been on a dejunking spree. It's been liberating; however, thoughout the liberation, I've been victim to both of your scenarios. lol
