CAVEAT:: I'm not lost on the possibility that I've missed something, that I'm speaking entirely out of ignorance. But in case I'm right on...
A pickup with a bumper sticker passed me on the freeway this afternoon. The adhesive declaration was "I brake for trains." Is it just me or does one's reaction to such a proclamation naturally lean toward "duh!"? The situation seems analogous to a small yacht captain sharing his habit of "I slow down for ocean liners." Really, no kidding. Would that be because if you don't, it's going to cream you? I kinda thought so.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I brake for trains, too. I'm not going to test my car's ability to power through the same mass of rail train that requires up to a mile to stop because, quite frankly, I just don't like the odds. For what seem to me like obvious reasons, I also don't feel the need to broadcast this to every passenger traveling behind me. Don't most people brake for trains? My guess is that if you didn't, you wouldn't be here to drive the truck that declares your respect for a transportation force greater than your own. Just a thought.
Since the obvious/ridiculous seems en mode, I'm thinking about getting a sticker to slap on the back of my car. It will say "I stay clear of stampeding rhinos." Of course, you probably do, too. But on the off chance you don't, I just want to let you know that I do.
I guess I never commented on this. I meant to! I meant to say something like "lol!!!"