Monday, April 5, 2010

CSA alphabet soup

One of my friends has introduced me to the CSA initiative. She wrote a blip about it on her blog.

So now I'm excited about (and maybe a little obsessed with) the whole concept. Not unlike my friend, I want to join Rise 'N Shine Organic Farm. The way I see it, my benefits are these:

•Fresh-out-of-the-earth produce every week for 30 weeks

•Trips to the farm in exchange for time spent under the halogen lights of the grocery store (Ok. I don't actually hate it that much.)

•I think I'll save money

•All the warm gooey feelings I get from supporting my community, being green and eating chemical-free goodness

What could beet that? (Yes. That was wrong of me.)


  1. Yay for local and organic and community-based! Joshua and I subscribe to an organic co-op here in Michigan. There's no in-dirt time, but we sure do love the food and it helps us eat better and be more connected to our food :)

  2. Beet. Har har.

    Did you get the half share or the full share?

  3. @Kessia:: I'm not sure I'll be enjoying any "in-dirt" time. I just go pick up my basket, I think. But how fun would it be to go and actually harvest your food? It'd be great. At least for the first week or two. :)

    @Missy:: Look, I admitted my wrong-doing. :)

    If I can get Mom & Dad to join, we'll get the full share. Otherwise, the half.
