UPDATE #1 | Tipper graduates from basic training class (Yay!)

Last spring, we enrolled in obedience school, but vacation made me miss a few sessions, and his puppy attention span (he was only 5 months old) only complicated things, so we didn't actually finish the course that first time around. So we re-joined the class six weeks ago. I figured since he was another year older (and theoretically more mature), he'd do better and learn more. I guess I was right because he graduated last Tuesday night, despite our practicing
way less than the first time! He heeled, sat & stayed, came when called (
after a quick detour to retrieve a dropped treat from the previous dog and his owner), and walked away with a certificate and a new toy, which he promptly destuffed once we got home (some things aren't correctable).
UPDATE #2 | I'm now grinding artichokes (and other foods)
Actually, I don't eat artichokes unless they're disguised behind the thick veil of creamy ingredients in artichoke dip. But I could grind them if I wanted, which is the point.
Several afternoons' and late nights' worth of home improvement effort, a good handful of trips to Home Depot, and a handy boyfriend have given me a food disposer in my kitchen, a new electrical outlet in my basement, and a motion-sensitive light in my backyard. The latter two were tangential projects that sprouted off the original goal of installing my food disposer. I don't have a picture of my new kitchen toy because food disposers do not lend themselves to attractive portraits (and I refuse to post an ugly picture on my blog). [I might link to it, though... or at least to the
mess we made installing it.] The grinders manage to look aesthetically presentable on the packaging and on the packaging only, which, in my case, got filled with dirt and carted off by the garbage truck yesterday. Which leads me to my final update (and where the dirt came from).
UPDATE #3 | I have a tulip
branchMy dad has many passions, but two of them are easily identified as 1) landscaping/gardening and 2) me. Consequently, he gave my lawn a springtime face lift. The gift came with a tree for my front yard, and after much dialog and a modicum of botany research, we settled on a dwarf-genre tulip tree.
At maturity, it will be about 8 feet tall, 8 feet wide, and bloom gorgeous cups of a purplish-pink hue.

But right now, mine looks more like a branch plucked straight off the tree and transplanted upright into the ground. That's ok. We all start somewhere. Usually the beginning. Which for this little guy is fairly naked and humble. Like most botanists must feel, I'm excited about his potential.
And there's your 3 for 1. Great deal, yeah?